A few weeks ago, in the midst of wallowing in strep throat, I received a call from a new friend. We were recently introduced by a mutual amiga who was positive we would become fast friends upon first sight. She was right.
Along with many other non mentioned descriptors that could be used, Katy is an Imagination Yoga Teacher, a kayaker, and a member of the Portland Intergenerational Women's Choir.
The reason she called?: She deemed me an appropriate choir recruit. The choir is made up of daughters, mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and their friends.
Because I'm always on the look-out for a new adventure I signed up, before they could discover that I don't sing. I then admitted that the last time I sung with an organized group was in 9th grade..mostly just to hang out with David Peachey. I once had a boyfriend that told me. "Sometimes you sing very nice, and sometimes you don't." It's kinda hit or miss for me. So to my delight, it turned out, signing abilities weren't a choir requirement. This was later confirmed by the persnickety yet lovely Murielle, an 80 something year old soprano with owl like hearing. She pointed out the ladies across the room that were off tune. I giggled while trying to decide if this was a-dorable, and/or her secret way of saying "YOU are off tune." Then I realized it didn't matter, so I sang louder.
I've now been to two practices. Both times I've left with a bizarre feeling of, perhaps elation. I've become so unaccustomed to singing that I seldom benefit from this sort of dopamine rush. I mean really, other than the drunken karaoke escapades, I rarely sing. Apparently, it feels great?! Why aren't more people talking about this? Maybe they are, maybe it's me that's not listening. Either way, I love singing. I'm also learning a whole bunch about music composition, reading notes, "classroom" management for a group of 40+ chatty women, how to make new friends, and how to breathe from my diaphragm.
And here I thought I was getting too old to learn new things. (#Imfreakingoutaboutturning30!)