Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Stuff you know
- Double Fudge
It's amazing how much you learn from 4th grade guided reading groups.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
blue. red.
Kindred Spirits
Monday, April 25, 2011
Why is my only interview for the one in Guatemala?
Just a list
Redeye flights may save you money, but they steal your sleep and suck your day.
Don't drive 2 hours after a redeye flight.
Good friends are always worth a two hour drive after a redeye flight.
Do laundry before you go away on a trip, so you have clean clothes when you return.
Freeze your leftovers, so you have lunch ready for your return. (good thinking Elissa)
Go to sleep.
Be nice to people you care about. Always. Even if they make you sad.
Hug and kiss babies.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Movie Queue
I fiori di Berkeley
I love wildflowers. Love love love them.
Destination unknown.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Walk this way.
So the whole purpose of this silly blog is to have a space to process through thoughts. I have so many of them; some are connected to feelings or emotions, others are fleeting, some are about important things, while others are triggered by a passerby.
Kristin Jones
Noses are for smelling
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Vegas is stupid.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Baby, you ain't my reason
You are the reason You are the reason I wake up every day And sleep through the night You are the reason, the reason I found myself frustrated as I listened to these lyrics in the plastic Vegas Colosseum. Celine, you should stop that. I am my reason. I don't wake up for prince charming. |
Friday, April 15, 2011
Dead until Dark
Are they children? or are they animals?
On the train, on my way to the airport, on my way to Las Vegas, I wasted time by editing some of my photographs.
Two of my many categories are Animals and Children.
For some reason I just kept mixing the two up.
Animals ended up with bab
I had to stop and wonder... Are they children? or are they animals?
Healthy eating
Homemade chocolate chip peanut butter cookies for dessert.
Ms. Sergabatata
Billy: "Ms. Sergabatata"
Ms. Cirignotta: "Yes, Billy?"
Billy: "Ms. Sergabatata did I put 6 up for did the dice did it?"
Ms. Cirignotta: confused look on face
Student picking up on teacher confusion
Billy's clarification: "Did I a 6 in put or did the dice did it put.. the 6? uuuh."
Ms. Cirignotta: "Billy, you rolled the dice."
Billy: "Ohhhh, yeah!"
I love children.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Dupont vs. Belsize Park
We're all a little special
What if?
I have one particular person in my life that is more than a bff. She has seen my darkest and brightest sides and has held my hand through all of it. Oftentimes when we are together I think we should be comedians. Probably we shouldn't be. But our humor combined is like a whirlwind of amazingness. She likes to eat a pancake and one fried egg(on top of each other) with light syrup for breakfast. She knows exactly how many calories are in most of the foods she eats. She likes to be right about most things. I drive her nuts. I am never allowed to let her give me an IQ test ever again. (our friendship was compromised the last time that happened.) We often carve pumpkins when we are together. She answers my phone calls. Even if I call 4 times a day. (only on special occassions does that happen.)
She is constant, strong, wise, and beautiful.
She likes to share thoughts with me.
"What if you are a person (or some animal, i know you don't want to be a person) running after leaves, which are possibly carrying seeds, as they float back and forth to the ground from very high heights. I've thought quite a bit about this metaphor. I've thought about 1. What you might obtain by actually catching a leaf; 2. What the leaves/seeds are; 3. The consequences, good and bad, of focusing on leaves; 4. What you might obtain from running for leaves and; 5. What you might miss while focused on leaves."
I've also thought of potential answers to the self help questions listed above =) but I'll let you mull it over for yourself because you like to do that kind of thing."
Ok Beth, I'm mulling. Am I taking time to smell the roses?
Water. wisdom. grip
I have many great people in my life. Sometimes I am whelmed (last night Ben told me that we(people) need to start using the word whelm more) by them. I learn so much from my friends and wish everyone has people like I do in their lives.
One of those people is Eileen. She actually falls into the family category at this point.
Eileen and I have similar views of the world. not completely. but enough to allow us to never seem to run out of things to talk about. We talk about relationship struggles, loneliness, insecurities, new friendships, adventures, travels, wine, Italian gondoliers, food, the Tao, enlightenment, new hula hoop moves.. you know, stuff like that.
She is wise, reliable, and endlessly reflective.
Thoughts she shared with me:
"So I already said I liked your leaf analogy, and I liked whoever's advice it was to be the seed. But here's another alternative: be the leaf. Accept that you are the leaf. I understand wanting roots (really, I do). But even then, you can be uprooted. "
Change is the only constant.
"The more you hold on to something, the more it slips away. To hold the water in your hand you need to do so gently. As soon as you try to hold on tight, it slips through your fingers. I think about these goofy toys that were popular when I was in elementary school. They were basically like a tubular balloon filled with water. If you held them too tightly, they popped out either the top or bottom of your grip. And if you held it too loosely, obviously, you'd drop it. You had to have a just-right, gentle grip on them in order to keep them in your hand. So the extension is something like this: don't get too attached to things. When you love them too much, you squeeze too hard and they pop out of your hand. If you don't care enough, you drop it."
Sending you love, Neilly b.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Charlie, Charlie Brown.

I went to Freedom Market today... It is true. I was going to try my turn again with the lottery.
Juice vs. wine

Today I poured a glass of wine forgetting it was wine. So it was like I poured a big ole glass of juice. Instead it really was wine.
I and love and you, Peggi.
I worked closely with Peggi for several years. My first two years working with her I probably popped into her classroom everyday to say good morning and get a hug.
Peggi was a natural beauty.
No makeup.
She loved to talk about beautiful things. like faith. and community. her love for her husband. And her talented and kind children.
I was much crazier than Peggi, and it was common for her to say "oh mi elissita.." after hearing some of my idealistic fantasies.
Her presence was soft and comforting. She was love.. and she has left residue of love behind her.
Peggi was a part of my life for six beautiful years.
She died on April 2, 2011.
I and love and you, Peggi...
Teased hair.
I have an interview today at 4:00.
I decided last night that this interview doesn't really matter as I don't actually want the job.
However... I didn't realize this morning as I was dressing myself that I put on navy blue stockings with my black outfit and black shoes.
At recess today a colleague asked me if I was planning on "spicin' myself up" before the interview.
I wasn't.
He suggested I take the clip out of my hair and tease it a bit, remove my glasses, and maybe put on some gloss.
"Girl, you need some help," he said.
Me and my red glasses, clipped frizzy hair, and unmatching outfit are going to an interview at 4:00 pm.
I think he's the one who needs help.
When Pigs Fly

Strange encounters.
For the most part I really like to talk to strangers. And I embrace situations in which the structure of stranger talking is facilitated.
Meet Southwest Airlines.
I prefer flying Southwest for three reasons.
1) Bags fly free
2) There are no cancellations charges. (I know, unreal?)
3) I can pick who I sit beside.
It is fairly common for me to saunter my way down the aircraft isle and look for middle seats in between interesting looking people. I make them be my friend. I trap them into conversation! I am that person.
This particular day I chose a window seat and had sleep or daydreaming on the brain. I wasn't feeling chatty.
I looked up when I heard a giant of a man come trampling down the aisle saying outloud, "I'm looking for someone small to sit beside."... followed by a santa claus laugh.
I probably rolled my eyes, and followed up my disdain for this particular gentleman by stretching my 127 pound body as far as I could into the seat beside me.
I was the lucky one.
This 6'6" giant sat in 12 d.
He said hello. I said the mandatory hello back, possibly adding a "how are you?".. and then laid my head on the window to begin my 5 hour forced nap.
About 20 minutes into the flight the joking Southwest Captain (#4 thing I love about Southwest... have you heard them? cheesy, but funny) announced that we were flying over the Grandest of grand canyons.
I had to look! I lived in Tucson for almost two years and hadn't gone, this was my chance to see it from above.
I tried to quietly sneak a peak without giant talking to me.
Fail. fail. fail. fail.
He was good.
He nailed me with 3 questions as soon as I lifted my head.
Have you ever been to the grand canyon?
If you had your pick of anywhere to go, where would you go?
Why are you going to Providence?
And this is how I began my 5 hour nonstop conversation with Mr. Giant.
Mr. Giant was very nice and very very different from me. He was in his 40s, spent his whole life trying to become as wealthy as possible. He was a dirty business (I just learned how to properly spell that word) man, who lied and cheated to make a buck.
And now in his 40s was searching for enlightenment, for answers, for forgiveness.
The first hour we spoke of education. He voted against education tax increases. He has 3 kids in the public school system.
The second hour we spoke of health care. He doesn't think we need reform.
The third hour was a mix of how to make money, raise kids, give to charity, etc..
Then we transitioned into spirituality. We spoke of purpose. love. community. faith. honesty.
He cried as he told me of his journey.
We disagreed throughout most of our earlier conversations.
Until we reached the last 2 hours of our flight to Providence.
During the last ten minutes, he felt compelled to show me his tattoo. Strange?
It was a pig with wings.
He said, "This is my reminder, that I am nothing but a pig with wings."
Pig with wings. ok.
Something I wanted to ponder and reflect on later as it was such a strange concept.
We reached the airport, said our goodbyes with a hug and thanked one another.
I got back to Tucson late Sunday night and went to work on Monday. I opened up my agenda. I had a postcard lying in the front of the book. Three weeks prior my glorious friend Meander came to visit. We went on a magical day trip to Bisbee AZ. I decided while in Bisbee that I was going to become a postcard writer. Not a postcard writer poser. I bought 6 vintage postcards. I sent 5 of them.
One was left in my agenda.
What was it?
A pig with wings.