Thursday, April 14, 2011

Water. wisdom. grip

I have many great people in my life. Sometimes I am whelmed (last night Ben told me that we(people) need to start using the word whelm more) by them. I learn so much from my friends and wish everyone has people like I do in their lives.

One of those people is Eileen. She actually falls into the family category at this point.

Eileen and I have similar views of the world. not completely. but enough to allow us to never seem to run out of things to talk about. We talk about relationship struggles, loneliness, insecurities, new friendships, adventures, travels, wine, Italian gondoliers, food, the Tao, enlightenment, new hula hoop moves.. you know, stuff like that.

She is wise, reliable, and endlessly reflective.

Thoughts she shared with me:

"So I already said I liked your leaf analogy, and I liked whoever's advice it was to be the seed. But here's another alternative: be the leaf. Accept that you are the leaf. I understand wanting roots (really, I do). But even then, you can be uprooted. "

Change is the only constant.

"The more you hold on to something, the more it slips away. To hold the water in your hand you need to do so gently. As soon as you try to hold on tight, it slips through your fingers. I think about these goofy toys that were popular when I was in elementary school. They were basically like a tubular balloon filled with water. If you held them too tightly, they popped out either the top or bottom of your grip. And if you held it too loosely, obviously, you'd drop it. You had to have a just-right, gentle grip on them in order to keep them in your hand. So the extension is something like this: don't get too attached to things. When you love them too much, you squeeze too hard and they pop out of your hand. If you don't care enough, you drop it."

Sending you love, Neilly b.

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