Today during an assembly we had a story teller come in and tell the 3rd through 5th graders stories about the civil war.
She told a story about a little boy named Logan Davis. He was a 12 year old slave that was given the chance of freedom at a young age.
During this story my mind started to drift tothe shortness of our lifetimes. Soon it seems people will be telling stories of events that occur during my generation.
I think about events that have occurred during my lifetime that will most likely be retold in history books and through story tellers.
It made me later reflect on things that are important to me and things that I want to accomplish. What is my list? What do I want to do in my lifetime?
In 3 weeks I'll be 28.
I've been swimming against the current for ten years trying to undo and remedy events that occurred in my life and accomplish goals that have been important to me.
I'm brought back to a place that I left two years ago and faced with decisions.
I go back to my list today and sit and ponder how to make those items reality.
Inspiration; I want to make sure the people, jobs, and community I enter and am a part of inspire and challenge me.
Freshness; I want to understand how to create newness in sameness. (think about that for a minute)
Relationships; Relationships are the most significant part of my life. I want to continue to nurture and grow my family and friendships.
Chips; I want to eat less chips and more carrots.
Selflessness; I want to focus my energy on love. I need tolearn how to become more selfless.
I am highly influenced by my feelings, my moods, my selfishness... I would love to work on my emotional development and self awareness.
I want to put my ideas into practice. I want to live in Greece, or Argentina, or Brazil, and Morrocco, or Turkey, and Italy.. I want to get another degree. or three. I want to conquer my fear of heights. Maybe climb more trees. I'd really really like to finally tackle French (not the French, but rather the language), and Sign Language.
I would like to see the Taj Mahal.
I would like to have sex in a bungalow in Bali over sunset.
I want to write a book.
I want to own my own dog someday.
I want to consistently have a garden.
I want a clothesline and then force myself to never use a dryer.
I want to hike down the grand canyon.
I would enjoy seeing a live Opera in Europe.
I want to dance to Afro Funk music in my living room on a weekly basis.
I want to take lots of pictures.
I want to document my adventures.
I want to go open up a small restaurant on the coast of Portugal and greet my customers with a hug and kiss and only serve 4 items on the menu and wear flowy skirts and play loud live music and give everyone a free glass of wine.
I want to walk the Great Wall of China and walk through a rice patty field with an old Chinese man.
I want to learn from everything I do.
I want to own a piano and re-teach myself to play.
I want to avoid dead ends.
I want to understand why my Nonna is so crazy.
I want to train across the United States and journal about all the people I meet and stories I hear. Then to do the same thing in Europe and compare notes.
And in doing so, I want to remember that any force I place in one direction always creates an opposite force with equal intensity.
After reading your list, I have one question for you: Can I come with you?