Thursday, February 28, 2013

drooling over beards

I am a sucker for tall men with dark beards...

I have moved to the right city for oh so many reasons.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


It's February 12th at 7:55 am and I'm pretty sure I was in a similar state of confusion on February 12th of '94. (If my memory serves me well, I was prepping myself for a raging case of the chicken poxs filled with disappointed that I could not give my crush his Valentines.) Thank goodness I've developed better coping skills for my stress and confusion.
But back to now, my eye twitch started this weekend and has been going strong for 3 days now. So I did what any sane adult would do... I called in sick.
So far today I've opened my curtains, finished a cup of warm chai, and read the Ope magazine in it's entirety. What's next on the list? Concur the world.
O's Best Advice Ever!: Make Over Your Life with Oprah & Friends by Edi (Google Affiliate Ad)

I've been a teacher for long enough to know that when an assignment is too large to tackle, we teach children how to chunk. Chunk seems like a funny word to use but really it's appropriate. We teach students how to break down the assignment into workable sections. With the combined efforts of the teacher's scaffolded instruction and the student's motivation in working through each section, the final product is almost always achieved. Baby steps, yo.

On the bed beside me I have 6 books, a notebook that is intended to help me "chunk",  a notepad for all my brilliant ideas, a pen, and a post-it pile of all my other fabulous ideas that will inevitably end up inside the 6 books or plastered to my vintage wooden desk.
The issue:
I am in a serious transitional phase with a lot of unknown ahead.
I'm starting a new career, perhaps, and now because everyone knows I'm leaving my position at the end of the school year I feel this immense amount of pressure (that I'm placing on myself) to work even harder to prove that I'm committed. I am trying to become an expert in my new career by reading 1 million books this year and design a research project (which is doubly challenging when you've never conducted any formal research). I'm navigating a world of marketing myself and building clientele = hard. And there's there all the personal stuff going on.. My beloved baby brother is experiencing his first heart break, AHHH, my best friend's marriage is failing, double AHHH, and I haven't been on a date in 1 month and 12 days... AHHHHH

What would Martha Beck tell me to do?
I suppose I will have to listen to my own inner wisdom until Martha is available to address my needs.

First up: identify books that can be backburnered (is that a word?).
I'm 136 pages into The Early Years of Bill Clinton's Autobiography, be still my heart, but Bill can wait.
My Life by Clinton, Bill [Hardcover] (Google Affiliate Ad)
Book Club meets on Feb 22nd prior to a faux fur party, so The Madonnas of Echo Park has been moved to the top of the list.
30 Shamanic Questions- reality is I have too much on my plate. I'll save my shamanic journey for July.
Wherever you go there you are, a fabulous book about mindfulness meditation. This has been an ongoing read that I think I'm ready to pass on, however given my current "freak out" mode, it might seem like I should read it 3 more times.
Yoga Calm for Children and The Essentials of Yoga stay.

Wow I already feel better.

Next, develop a list of what to do when stressed.

1) 8 hours of sleep makes me wake up happy
2) Yoga
3) Take a bath
4) Write a blog entry
5) Read
6) Write a list of things I'm thankful for
7) Go for a walk
8) Read in a coffee shop
9) Take a nap
10) Eat kale or a banana with peanut butter
11)Write a letter
12) Meditate

Ok... getting better.

Now I need to figure out how to get at least 20 clients.

I am so inspired by my new job. I stared at my business cards for a good ten minutes alone in my room the first night I received them. I get to be a part of a company that believes kindness will change the world. I have been given a platform to speak kindness and healing and help children experience the equilibrium that yoga can create between the body and the mind. Dreamy, eh?
Check it out:

So that's that, and for today I am going to trust and know that the clients will come pouring in.

Now I'm ready to get out of bed and do something new and exciting. Since when did dealing with stress become fun?