Wednesday, January 1, 2014

365 days Upside Down

I was inspired today to challenge myself in new ways. For the last half a year or so I've been following a handful of incredible internationally known yogis. I watch them practice a variety of beautifully balanced handstands, headstands, and forearm-stands every day. I imagine what it would feel like to be able to put my body in such creative and strong poses. And then all of a sudden it hit me: The only thing stopping me from doing the same is not doing it. This means that today marks the beginning of 365 days Upside down.

Day 1: I'm still needing some support (Thanks Greg) to get both feet up and I need to use the wall. My core must get stronger. We all start somewhere!
Please join me in the evolution of my inversion practice!

Day 2: I decided to do some upside down arm strengthening. Jesse and Greg joined in on the fun. 

Day 3: Jesse helped me with my right leg. It just doesn't want to go upside down on its own! I spent 2 seconds without wall support. Getting better! Also I look headless. 
Day 4: I first tried to handstand in the grass. I fell. Here's me with my crutch, the wall. Greg helped catch my legs again. I'm looking forward to independent handstands.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (Lao Tzu).
Day 5: Greg helped get my legs up the wall. Left leg bends when I kick up which pushes me back down. I'm not over the fear yet. I spent 3ish seconds without wall support. 

Day 6: I did it! Today marks the day I did my very first solo handstand! January 6, 2014. No help. Still using wall support, but that's's only day 6! 
Retraction: I did have help. My dear friend Katy Mac gave me some great pointers. She suggested I walk my feet closer to my body, inhale fully, kick up after the next exhale while tightening the core and holding the uddiyana bundha. WaLa! 
Here's a glimpse at Katy's day 6 inversion. I love having a friend join me on this year long challenge!

Day 7: In one week's time I have become an independent handstander! I can get my body up and hold it away from the wall for up to 4 seconds. How did this happen? I can't wait to see what I can do in the next 358 days. It's more than just an inversion. I'm finding that I'm learning life lessons through this challenge. Keep Practicing guys! 
 #365daysupsidedown #365handstands #iwillhandstand2014 #ilpiantatore #imaginationyoga #happyhandstandprogress 
Day 8: Reality check. Couldn't get up. Maybe it was a mental block? The pasta I just devoured? The gloomy day? I tried 3 times before I asked Jesse for help. I resisted every inch of the way up. So I stopped and went into my handstand prep pose. Maybe tomorrow...
Day 9: Sometimes it's easy to get up and stay comfortable, secure, and strong. I like being upside. I look for it everyday. 
Day 10: I stopped to have coffee and conversation with Becky and showed her my new skillz. ;) 
Day 11: Greg and I grabbed our coats at the first sign of sunshine and took a quick walk to the park! This was my attempt to transition away from using a wall. Why was this so scary to me???

Day 15: I can handstand in a skirt! 

Day 18: Today I moved a few inches farther from the wall. I kicked up into a handstand approximately 15 times today. I was feeling pretty bold so I decided to also try my very first tri-pod  headstand. Without any resistance I went straight up and held the pose for a solid 10 seconds. I love this challenge!
Day 21: I'm really enjoying my inversions.  Here's the newest addition to my inversion repertoire. Everyday is brighter and better! 
Day 22: Today I took my biggest step away from the wall. I like knowing its there for support but its becoming less and less scary. Keep practicing. Part of the practice is learning how to fall with grace and ease. #yoga #yogi #yogalife #yogalove ##365daysupsidedown #365handstands #inversion #perseverance #namaste #upsidedown #practicedaily #yogaeverdamday 

Day 24: I tried to work on core strengthening for my daily yoga practice. This is a good prep to help hold the pose longer. 
Day 27: I'm feeling comfortable enough to get playful and try different things upsidedown. I'm excited about this discovery. 
Day 28: Crista, Katy, Jamie, and I took a moment out of our lunch break to handstand together. This week Imagination Yoga is having their annual teacher training. This year it's hosted at Nike! 

Day 31: One month in and I can independently handstand with wall support and forearm headstand away from the wall! This is craziness! Handstanding without the wall is up next! 

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