Sunday, January 19, 2014

Elissa Cirignotta, Writer, Entrepeneur, Kid Yoga Instructor, World Traveler.

For the past 12 years I have had what I thought was an unrequited love affair with Oprah. If I had to guess I'd say that I've written her about dozen, maybe even 18 love letters throughout the years. I have admired, and continue to admire, the message she shares, her charisma, the strength it takes to be such a powerfully influential role model, and the journey she has walked. She has inspired a collective shift in thinking; One that moves from hatred to love.
In Feb of 2011 a friend invited me to go to Chicago. We were going to see Oprah! She had won tickets to one of the final shows of the 25th season. It was spectacular and we were like giddy school girls. Liz wore sequins and I chose a rainbow poncho. We sat in the third row, winked at this idol, and each won a 2 night stay at Cesar's Palace in Vegas along with food and drink vouchers and tickets to Celine Dion. We would have left completely ecstatic, yet the interview for the national radio station following the show's filming was the most delicious icing a cake could have!
We loved our Cesar's Palace stay! Thanks for the love Oprah!

What's a girl to do but keep writing those love letters, right?

I didn't suffer too much of a loss with the end of the show as not owning a television and cable made it hard to keep up with it with any type of consistency. And life goes on.

Later that year I moved to Portland Oregon and I quickly began to make positive changes in my eating and exercise habits. My yoga practice started a few months before the move and I was jogging regularly. During one of my foggy morning jogs I stumbled across a free box full of old Oprah Magazine editions. I grabbed 5 and subsequently went home to start reading. Within a week I had submitted payment for a year subscription that was waiting to be read. I was surprised by how much I loved it. It was inspiring and talked about real life issues with solutions for positive improvements. It was spiritual and pragmatic while also providing an element of entertainment. For the past year I have diligently read every single word (minus the prescription ads) of every month's edition. I have wanted to understand the strategy behind the marketing, the article selections, and all the hows and whos and whys. I dream of being a contributing writer to the magazine and there's no reason for me to stop dreaming now.

On Friday afternoon (January 17, 2014) I was going through my O ritual; I drew a hot bath, poured a cup of tea, lit my candles, saged the bathroom, and relaxed with my magazine and journal. 21 pages in and almost finished with the "We Hear You" section, I completely lost it when I saw MY name. I was in Oprah Magazine! After falling out of the tub and running naked around the house for 30 minutes I cleared space on my phone for a new picture and sent the image to practically everyone I knew! I don't care what anyone says, I'm going to keep on dreaming, because for this Sicilian Jew, the sky is the limit! Thanks for the love Oprah.
I am open to all the good and abundance in the Universe. Thank-you life!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

365 days Upside Down

I was inspired today to challenge myself in new ways. For the last half a year or so I've been following a handful of incredible internationally known yogis. I watch them practice a variety of beautifully balanced handstands, headstands, and forearm-stands every day. I imagine what it would feel like to be able to put my body in such creative and strong poses. And then all of a sudden it hit me: The only thing stopping me from doing the same is not doing it. This means that today marks the beginning of 365 days Upside down.

Day 1: I'm still needing some support (Thanks Greg) to get both feet up and I need to use the wall. My core must get stronger. We all start somewhere!
Please join me in the evolution of my inversion practice!

Day 2: I decided to do some upside down arm strengthening. Jesse and Greg joined in on the fun. 

Day 3: Jesse helped me with my right leg. It just doesn't want to go upside down on its own! I spent 2 seconds without wall support. Getting better! Also I look headless. 
Day 4: I first tried to handstand in the grass. I fell. Here's me with my crutch, the wall. Greg helped catch my legs again. I'm looking forward to independent handstands.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (Lao Tzu).
Day 5: Greg helped get my legs up the wall. Left leg bends when I kick up which pushes me back down. I'm not over the fear yet. I spent 3ish seconds without wall support. 

Day 6: I did it! Today marks the day I did my very first solo handstand! January 6, 2014. No help. Still using wall support, but that's's only day 6! 
Retraction: I did have help. My dear friend Katy Mac gave me some great pointers. She suggested I walk my feet closer to my body, inhale fully, kick up after the next exhale while tightening the core and holding the uddiyana bundha. WaLa! 
Here's a glimpse at Katy's day 6 inversion. I love having a friend join me on this year long challenge!

Day 7: In one week's time I have become an independent handstander! I can get my body up and hold it away from the wall for up to 4 seconds. How did this happen? I can't wait to see what I can do in the next 358 days. It's more than just an inversion. I'm finding that I'm learning life lessons through this challenge. Keep Practicing guys! 
 #365daysupsidedown #365handstands #iwillhandstand2014 #ilpiantatore #imaginationyoga #happyhandstandprogress 
Day 8: Reality check. Couldn't get up. Maybe it was a mental block? The pasta I just devoured? The gloomy day? I tried 3 times before I asked Jesse for help. I resisted every inch of the way up. So I stopped and went into my handstand prep pose. Maybe tomorrow...
Day 9: Sometimes it's easy to get up and stay comfortable, secure, and strong. I like being upside. I look for it everyday. 
Day 10: I stopped to have coffee and conversation with Becky and showed her my new skillz. ;) 
Day 11: Greg and I grabbed our coats at the first sign of sunshine and took a quick walk to the park! This was my attempt to transition away from using a wall. Why was this so scary to me???

Day 15: I can handstand in a skirt! 

Day 18: Today I moved a few inches farther from the wall. I kicked up into a handstand approximately 15 times today. I was feeling pretty bold so I decided to also try my very first tri-pod  headstand. Without any resistance I went straight up and held the pose for a solid 10 seconds. I love this challenge!
Day 21: I'm really enjoying my inversions.  Here's the newest addition to my inversion repertoire. Everyday is brighter and better! 
Day 22: Today I took my biggest step away from the wall. I like knowing its there for support but its becoming less and less scary. Keep practicing. Part of the practice is learning how to fall with grace and ease. #yoga #yogi #yogalife #yogalove ##365daysupsidedown #365handstands #inversion #perseverance #namaste #upsidedown #practicedaily #yogaeverdamday 

Day 24: I tried to work on core strengthening for my daily yoga practice. This is a good prep to help hold the pose longer. 
Day 27: I'm feeling comfortable enough to get playful and try different things upsidedown. I'm excited about this discovery. 
Day 28: Crista, Katy, Jamie, and I took a moment out of our lunch break to handstand together. This week Imagination Yoga is having their annual teacher training. This year it's hosted at Nike! 

Day 31: One month in and I can independently handstand with wall support and forearm headstand away from the wall! This is craziness! Handstanding without the wall is up next!