Sunday, August 28, 2011

Letting go.

You know how there are some people in your life that are more than just a 'good friend'? It's almost as though they are a part of you, and no matter where you go or what you do, they will always be a part of you, until perhaps even beyond death.
I don't often make those types of connections with men, for what reasons I do not know entirely. However there are a few that have become a part of my existence. Perhaps we knew and loved each other in a past life, or perhaps their strengths/gifts maximize mine and we contribute to the betterment of our combined healing, growth, etc.. just some thoughts?

Majed is a human that I love and will love for forever and ever. I wish nothing but abundance, prosperity, and love for this man. And if our paths never cross again on this earth, I look forward to when they will in another time.

Majed taught me great things that I was waiting to learn and know. He came into my life at a time where I was ready to learn the things that Majed teaches. With him as my guide I developed a deeper and new definition of openness. I practiced how to put aside indoctrinated beliefs and just listen. The vibrations of my body began to change. He was a part of my journey towards healing. and enlightenment.

Today I was able to have a conversation with my beloved Majed about a particular area of pain that I'm facing in my life. I've said the words that I've needed to face for months now. Hearing those words come out of Majed's mouth, showed me the urgency and significance of acting on them.
"You must let go, Elissa. Let Go."

Today I start the journey of letting go and learning what comes after you let go.

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